Stanley Eugene Hindman
Last month at the November Open Mic Night it was brought to our attention that Stan Hindman was about to celebrate his 100th birthday on Dec. 2. Read more
Last month at the November Open Mic Night it was brought to our attention that Stan Hindman was about to celebrate his 100th birthday on Dec. 2. Read more
If you walk along the Nature Trail, be sure to notice the new erosion control branches staked into the hillside just downstream of the covered bridge. Members of the UMBC Lambda Chi Alpha service fraternity completed this backbreaking work during our recent Fall Trail & Stream Clean-up Day. Read more
The latest Nature Trail Committee news is our Fall Clean-up of the Trail and Stream. On Saturday, October 10, 23 people participated in a 2-hour weekend clean-up. Then on Wednesday, October 14, ten people participated in our weekday 2-hour clean-up. Read more
The Nature Trail continues to be a serene place to take a walk on the Charlestown campus. During the summer it has been at least 10 degrees cooler than upper, sunnier areas. A couple of trees came down across the western end of the Trail in July, but they were quickly removed by Grounds personnel. Read more
The Nature Trail Committee’s Trail and Stream Clean-up Day on June 6 was not only a resounding success, but also a fun work day, with 19 persons participating. We worked on cleaning Herbert Run and its tributaries, removing downed trees from the stream, pulling garlic mustard weeds, erosion control on the hillside above the Trail, clearing portions of the Trail, picking up trash by the Lake Trail, and weeding the Butterfly Garden. Read more
Dr. George Brenneman produced this video in 2015 as part of his presentation about the Sioux Nation for the ELLIC program at Charlestown. He has served as a volunteer pediatrician on the Crow Creek reservation
The ELLIC Video Group produces an interview with a long-time resident, Doris Kitchen in 2014.
Lon Chesnutt actually went outside during our snow falls in 2014 to record this video. Enjoy his 14-minute video.
The Nature Trail Committee’s Trail and Stream Clean-up Day is scheduled for Saturday, June 6, 10 a.m.-12 noon, weather permitting. We have a number of on-going work projects in addition to cleaning up Herbert Run, so come join us if you care to. Read more
Enjoy Ralph Strong’s 2014 video of his visit to Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, New Jersey.
The Nature Trail Committee continues its activities as the season warms up. The trail to the old stone bridge below the dam is now complete, although clean-up work is still needed on the bridge proper. It has been out of use for many decades, but it is still an interesting site, having been built in 1906. The trail is marked with branches along the sides and surveyor ribbon attached to trees along the way. Resident pendants have been tested, and they do work in the area. Read more
Today on April 9 The Nature Trail Committee had its annual Wildflower Day to welcome spring and “open” the Nature Trail for the season. The rain thankfully held off, and we had well over 100 people in attendance, although only 97 signed in. Besides walking the Trail, we also showed videos of the Trail, the Trees of Charlestown, and Herbert Run. Read more
The Nature Trail Committee is beginning to stir, casting off winter’s cloak and getting ready for spring. We are now planning for our 20th Wildflower Day celebration. Read more
The Gallery Room on the second floor near the Fireside Lounge is used to display the art of residents. The displays rotate throughout the year with all the art painted by the members. The public is invited to the opening receptions, twice a year, and 10% of the proceeds goes toward the Benevolent Care Fund. Read More
The Mexican Train (Dominos) game is played on Friday, after dinner from about 6:00 – 9:00 pm in the Atrium Lounge. We will be happy to help you learn this fun game.