Evergreen Topics as of July 24, 2024

Below is the latest information on the list of reoccurring topics, of interest, Charlie Eichenlaub keeps track of.
1. General Services contact information
2. Reoccurring Opportunities for Voicing Concerns
3. Resident Directory Info
4. CCICharlestown.org
5. Benevolent Care Fund (BCF)
6. Resident Life & Community Resources
7. Medical Center
8. Move-out Process at End of Life
9. Housekeeping
Extras: Brittany is looking for Birthday Angels in all the buildings and volunteers to color birthday cards. Legislative Forum – Balto. County Issues with elected officials on Thurs 7/25. Wendell Thompson – you served us well! Vote for the new Residents’ Council members on August 7.
Admin reports 51 cases of COVID-19 on Campus – keep vigilant.

Join the Charlestown Resident Hub to Communicate

Residents have been asking for a way to communicate with other residents. The Residents’ Council Communications Committee has started a Google Group, Charlestown Resident Hub, to serve this need. Larry Taylor and David Elder, Co-Chairs of the Communications Committee are spearheading this effort, and Hope Tillman is the group manager.