Nature Trail Committee Update

After traditionally skipping August for a meeting, the Nature Trail Committee met September 21 with a full agenda. We will be participating in the annual Fruits of Our Labor event Sep 30 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Cross Creek Lobby, where many Charlestown clubs and organizations have representatives and displays at tables to provide information on their groups.

Sandtown Forum

Close to 100 people attended the Sandtown Forum held at Charlestown January 12, 2016. Seven individuals from community organizations in the Sandtown-Winchester area of Baltimore City presented information.The Forum came about because of the interest and concern of some Charlestown residents who wanted to help the community after the Baltimore unrest. The participant list is offered for your information. Links to articles about the area and a map are at the bottom of the page. Read more

Caton Woods Update September 9, 2016

It’s the final push for the project and you can see the area being graded where the parking lot will go, there is a roof on the bridge, the shell of the EMS bay is complete, the storm water management facility is forming in front of the building and you can see the sidewalk, steps and retaining walls forming as well as mulching being brought in for landscaping. –Matt Rosewag Read more

Caton Woods Update September 2, 2016

The EMS bay is nearing completion and now has a roof on it.  The WT trailer has been removed and replaced by a smaller one in the back to begin grading for the parking lot.  The bridge continues to develop and you can begin to see clean up around the jobsite as well as further grading around the perimeter of the building in preparation for landscaping. Read more

Caton Woods Update August 26, 2016

And progress continues!  Some pictures I have taken below are of the new EMS Bay (remember the present one is in RGT which will be demolished after residents move into Caton Woods), 2 shots of progress made on the bridge and finally the progress made on the area in front of the building where residents will be dropped off.  This area will be semi-circled like the clubhouses in the rest of the community as well as roof covered for some weather protection; a nice upgrade from RGT.
– Matt Rosewag, Director of Operations Strategy Read more

Caton Woods Update August 19

The bridge is further underway. Now that the trees have been removed we have continued to make progress on the bridge and as you can see the steel beams are being installed and you can see where the ends meet Caton Woods and the Refectory Bridge. Also shown is the EMS Bay.
– Matt Rosewag, Director of Operations Strategy Read more

Caton Woods Update August 12

We have said from the beginning that there will be amenities in this building that there are not presently in Assisted Living. Difficult to see but the 1st picture shows a brick planting box on the rooftop patio the residents will be able to access and enjoy. The 2nd picture shows the final light in the apartments and the fact that the building is now under its own power. Finally, a picture from the front showing overall progress. Read more

Caton Woods Update August 5

Great progress has been made since last week and you can see below the blocking going up for the EMS bay off of Bldg #6, the glass in front of the building on the amenities on all 4 floors in the front, the roof has been repaired from the tree impact and the stone is nearly complete in the front of the building. The next days will be exciting as you being to see a few more trees removed and the canopy of the bridge taking form. Read more

Caton Woods Update July 29, 2016

The bridge was delivered on July 14th and 15th and put into place those days. Special thanks to the residents who displaced their vehicles to enable us to get the bridge pieces on-site. Below are some pictures of the bridge pieces in place. We will begin work on the canopy structure of the bridge soon. Read more

Caton Woods Update

Below are some great pictures of overall progress as of July 21st from different angles. The brick is completed and the stone work is in progress which is placed piece by piece and not in a sheet form – a lot of work! Next step is to complete the exterior insulation and finishing system (EIFS) which provides exterior walls with an insulated, water-resistant, finished surface in an integrated composite material system. Read more

Nature Trail Update

Both the Garlic Mustard Pull on May 19 and the Stream Clean-up of our portion of East Herbert Run on June 10 were great successes. Each event in its own way helped to environmentally clean up our community. The members of the Nature Trail Committee appreciated the help of the Patapsco Heritage Greenway volunteers, and we showed this by treating them to lunch at the Shortline Cafeteria on both occasions. Read more

Caton Woods Update

The progress below will show further brickwork being completed as well as stone work coming around the building. We have also received the report in regards to timeline impact from the construction point of view, however, there are still negotiations to be had with the fire marshal, inspectors, and other surveyors before we can discuss final goals for occupancy. We will keep you updated. Read more

Nature Trail May 2016

As you know, we have had a wet spring, but the Nature Trail is walkable. We are still working with Grounds to get sufficient wood chips on the Trail, but it is in reasonably good shape, and flowers are blooming. Read more