Coax Cable
A coaxial cable, or coax for short, is a type of cable commonly used to connect a TV set or box to a feed built into your wall. One end screws onto the jack on the wall; the other screws onto the TV or cable box.
A coaxial cable, or coax for short, is a type of cable commonly used to connect a TV set or box to a feed built into your wall. One end screws onto the jack on the wall; the other screws onto the TV or cable box.
The Charlestown ComcastThe Charlestown Comcast bulk service contract provides basic HD television in the apartments. Address your concerns to General Services. See more information about apartment television and television connections. READ MORE bulk service contract provides basic HD television in the apartments. Address your concerns to General Services. See more information about apartment television and […]
HDMIHDMI is a type of cable connector used to connect TV and video screens and projectors to their video and audio sources.For example, an HDMI cable is used to connect a cable box to a TV. Or in a classroom, it can be used to connect a computer (or tablet or phone with an adapter) […]
VGA is an older type of cable used to connect computers to video screens and projectors. It has a 15-pin connector that can be screwed on to ensure a tight connection. It does not support the higher speed and resolution of modern devices. It has largely been replaced by newer HDMI cables and USB-C cables. […]