Last Updated on August 1, 2024


Charlestown has uniformed safety and emergency services (SES) officers on duty twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. The officers make periodic rounds throughout the campus. For your convenience, there is a Security Dispatcher on duty (24) hours a day, (7) days a week. You are welcome to contact them at 410-737-8806. 

AlertMedia (EMNS)

Emergency Line
For any emergency, call 410-737-8838, x8806

Alert Line
To hear about an alert message, call 410-314-7944

  • Provides special emergency information pertinent to the community
  • Call this line to hear the AlertMedia alerts that come through the automated phone messaging system
  • Updated Monday - Friday

The AlertMedia System messages will come from the number 410-632-6424. This allows Security to notify you in emergency situations like

  • Significant weather alerts
  • Fire or environmental emergency
  • Police activity nearby

If you are not receiving Alert Media phone calls, please contact Deanna Booker in Resident Life at extension 601-8230.

Please add 410-632-6424 to your Contacts, so that it will recognize calls, texts and emails coming to you from that number.

After Hours
After hours, on holidays, and on weekends, only emergencies will be addressed by contacting Security at 410-737-8838, x8806.

Gatehouse Operations

In light of recent events around the world, we are taking a conservative approach to enhance the safety and security of our community. We have reviewed our standard operating procedures with our security team and expect them to use professional discretion when screening visitors at the gate.

License plate reader technology has been added to allow employees and residents to enter without a puck or swiping your card. Security continues to reinforce the need to balance screening those who enter our Community with their person centered approach to hospitality and first impressions. Uniform appearance and pre-scripted greetings are also critical to their operations.
Pre-screened visitors do not need to be verified to enter Charlestown:

Registered visitors that have already been pre-verified by Security and issued a unique numbered registration pass (sticker or hang tag) to aid in their entry will be admitted into the Community.

Pre-verify your visitors to enter Charlestown:

Please call Security Dispatch at 410-737-8806 in advance of your unregistered visitor’s arrival. You will be asked to provide the following information: the name of the visitor; the approximate date/time of arrival, and the location where to direct your visitor.

Unregistered visitors will be stopped at the gate:

Security and Emergency Services Officers will obtain the visitor’s name(s) and determine the reason for the visit. The SEO should then complete the verification process by calling the individual being visited. Once approved, the SEO will issue the appropriate passes, a map if unfamiliar with the Community and open the gate to allow entry.

Unverified visitor:

If you cannot be reached by Security, the Officer will inform the person that they will need to get authorization before access can be granted. The visitor will be asked to exit the property.

If there are further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Security Manager, Craig Nelson, at 410-737-8838, extension 601-8815.

The Gatehouse provides this campus delivery map to drivers delivering to Charlestown.

Campus Flags

Our flags fly at half staff when ordered by the President or Maryland Governor.