Last Updated on August 12, 2024
Residents’ Councils by year





Residents’ Council 2019-2020

Second Row: Ron Burrell (Communications), Janet Allan (Safety & Security), Anna Marie Ciarrocchi (Conservation), Sam Cushman (Resident Life), Jean Eichenlaub (Benevolent Care), Pat Rudolph (Finance), Eugenia High (Grounds), Seldra Funk (Legislative & Political), Merci Izquierdo-Whitaker (Dining), Jackie Graham (Maintenance and Engineering), Lois Kimber (health)
Third Row: Dick Crebs (Communications), Ken Jarboe (Safety & Security), Bob Caulfield (Dining), Ron DeAbreu (Treasurer), Joan Green (Finance)
Not Present: Jim Stadter (Housekeeping), Bob Pelott (Resident Life)

Identification of Council members as shown on the group picture
First row (left to right): Becky McNamara (Parliamentarian), Anne Erfle (Vice President), Wendel Thompson ( President), Sherry Stewart (Secretary), Jack Murnane (Treasurer), Stephen Harders (Past President).
Second row: Seldra Funk (Chair of the Legislative/Political Committee), Bill Tilles (Chair of the Conservation Committee), Louise Dempsey (Chair of the Health Services Committee), Diane Lyons (Chair of the Housekeeping Committee), Hope Tillman ( Assistant Secretary), Barbara Fleming (Chair of the Health Services Committee), Joan Green (Assistant Chair of the Finance Committee ).
Third row: Jean Eichenlaub (Chair of the Benevolent Care Committee), Walt Howe (Chair of the Communications Committee), Ted Durr, Chair of the Grounds Committee), Janet Allan, Chair of the Safety & Security Committee), Jackie Graham, Chair of the Maintenance & Engineering Committee, Ken Jarboe (Asst. Chair of the Safety & Security Committee), Gil Fisher (Chair of the Finance Committee), Bob Caulfield (Chair of the Dining Committee), Sam Cushman, Chair of the Resident Life Committee).

Identification of Council members as shown on the group picture
Front row (from left to right): Dave Douds (Past President), Becky McNamara (Parliamentarian), Wendel Thompson (Vice President), Steve Harders (President), Ed Piechowiak (Secretary), Al Davies, Treasurer)
2nd Row: Veronica Coleman (Safety & Security), Diana Lyons (Housekeeping), Carolyn Thompson (Dining), Barbara Fleming (Asst. Dining), Cindy Jones (Asst. Communications), Fran Ashby (Residents Life), Louise Dempsey (Health), Jean Eichenlaub (Benevolent Care), Janet Allan (Asst. Health)
Back row: Joni Guhne (Asst. Grounds), Bill Tilles (Conservation), Ken Jarboe (Maintenance & Engineering), Anne Erfle (Legislative & Political), Jack Murnane (Communications), Gil Fisher (Finance), Ted Dürr (Grounds), Sherry Stewart (Asst. Secretary)
Residents’ Council 2016-2017

Identification of Council members as shown on the group picture
First Row: (left to right) Becky McNamara (Parliamentarian), Leigh Anne Cooper (Treasurer), David Douds (President), Steve Harders (Vice President), Ed Piechowiak (Secretary), Ann MacKay (Past President)
Second Row: Ken Jarboe (Chair, Maintenance and Engineering), Mary Jo Warthen (Assistant Chair, Resident Life), Carolyn Thompson (Chair, Dining), Diane Lyons (Chair, Housekeeping), Dee Schmitt (Chair, Legislative/Political), Louise Dempsey (Chair, Health Services), Charlotte Chambers (replaced by Wendel Thompson, Assistant Chair, Legislative/Political)
Back Row: Ed Serp (Chair, Conservation), Sherry Stewart (Assistant Secretary), Jack Murnane (Chair, Communications), Ted Dürr (Assistant Chair, Grounds), Jackie Graham (Chair, Resident Life), Gil Fisher (Chair, Finance), Jean Eichenlaub (Chair, Benevolent Care), Veronica Coleman (Assistant Chair, Dining), Bob Hutchins (Chair, Safety & Security), Al Davies (Chair, Grounds).

Identification of Council members as shown on the group picture
Front row: Becky McNamara, parliamentarian, David Douds, vice president, Ann MacKay, president, Betty Jackson, secretary, David Pollitt, treasurer, Phyl Lansing, immediate past president
2nd Row: Leigh Ann Cooper, Carolyn Thompson, Kay Winder, Mary Jo Warthen, Dolores Schmitt, Gif Intlekofer, Lorraine Weeks, Joan Maltagliati
Back row: Janice Boone, Ed Serp, Ed Hastry, Claude Jefferson, Al Davies, Robert Hutchins, Jackie Graham, Steve Harders
Residents’ Council 2014-2015

Identification of Council members as shown on the group picture
First row: Dottie Kresslein, Ann MacKay (Vice President), Phyl Lansing (President), Becky McNamara (Parliamentarian), Dave Pollitt (Treasurer), Kate Houghton, Betty Jackson (Secretary)
Middle row: Neal Fertitta (Benevolent Care), Angie Beltram (Dining), Lorraine Weeks (Housekeeping), Leigh Ann Cooper (Health), Gif Intlekofer (Communications), Dee Schmitt (Legislative/Political), Jackie Graham (Resident Life)
Back Row: Roland Gray (Maintenance & Engineering), Claude Jefferson (Grounds), Chuck Weigand (), David Douds (Finance), Bob Dunker, Frank Clifton (Communications), Ed Serp (Conservation), Ed Hastry (Safety & Security)
Residents’ Council 2013-2014

Residents’ Council 2012-2013
