Last Updated on August 11, 2022


August 2021 to July 2022

Benevolent Care Fund letter was written for the Charlestown Philanthropy 2021 Annual Report.

Benevolent Care Committee Report was written for the Charlestown 2021 Annual Report.

Charlestown’s celebration of Benevolent Care Month in September included a Benevolent Care Fund campaign, the 2nd Annual BCF Telethon, Philanthropy Fridays on 972, an ELLIC BCF Facts/Myths presentation, and BCF information tables.

Funds were received from realized planned gifts, residents, Cars for Care, resident clubs, employees, the Board of Directors, vendors, tribute gifts, Treasures Sales stores, the Treasure Sales, grants/foundations.

A “Did You Know?” segment about philanthropy was read by Jean Eichenlaub on 972.

A philanthropy article appeared in September’s Sunburst newspaper.

A “Voices of the Council” interview on 972 highlighted the work of the Benevolent Care Fund Committee.

972 recorded an Amazon infomercial featuring Louise Dempsey.

Treasure Sales occurred in May 2022 and July 2022.

The Benevolent Care Fund Committee’s description in the Policies and Procedures Manual of the Residents’ Council was revised.

The Benevolent Care Fund Committee is focused on encouraging planned gift giving, legacy giving, and developing innovative fund raising ideas.

The Benevolent Care Fund Committee works closely with the Philanthropy staff.

** See the Charlestown Philanthropy 2021 Annual Report for fund raising totals.

       Submitted by Eugenia High, BCF 2021-2022 Committee Chairperson