Last Updated on June 23, 2024

Below is the list of reoccurring topics of interest I have taken the responsibility to maintain and update periodically or when timely. Some I submit after sending them to Managers to alter or add before re-submitting them to reappear on our website. Other topics I glean from minutes and reports from Committees.

  1. The General Services contact instructions are on our website, with the current hours under General Services Communications. If you do need something fixed or repaired, call, or for non-urgent requests, residents may fill out a Request a Service Work Order online under the ME icon forms. If there is an emergency after hours, or on weekends, call Security for help. There are now GS Comment Forms on ME to report on your service call from GS.
  1. Recurring Opportunities for Voicing Concerns are listed under Campus Info>Getting Things Done and Getting Started and has been updated for 2024 on our website for handy reference. There will be a version of this in the March Sunburst. Note that monthly Neighborhood Chat schedule each month is published in the Sunburst under Campus Connections. The Council Communication Form icon on our website can be used to alert the Council to a problem. Also, the Administration welcomes comments, please send them to
  1. Resident Directory Info: The latest printed version, February, can be obtained by asking at lobby desks. The only E-directory is on My Erickson, which is password protected. Changes to both directories should be referred to the Res. Life Asst., Deanna Booker, at Ext. 601-8230.
  1.   The Tech Bar on 2/15 at the Chesapeake was a success, helping over 40 residents. The 2024 Maryland Legislation tracking is posted on our website. Home Health info has been updated with contact info under Health/Fitness, and a chart showing Certified Home Health vs. Home Support Services is posted under News. There is a new post explaining how to use MyNutrition, which you can find via the Help page, the Dining page, and Search. Hope is creating a team of residents to assist other residents with the use of computers, those interested in helping can reach out to her. Questions or suggestions for the website may be submitted on the Home Page. Check the current Covid-19 Continuing Care Visitor Guidelines under News on the website before you visit there.
  1. BCF: A Treasure Sale record of $51,885.86 was achieved this month! Thank you to all our volunteers! An unveiling of the tree with the new engraved red leaves took place on Feb. 13. Memory Bricks are available for $225 until 4/15 for the Memory Walk on May 7. Volunteers are still needed for all sorts of TS tasks, please contact Emily, ext. 8892 including an immediate need for a Brookside TS Director. All TS Stores are now open. The next Treasure Sale is scheduled for May 2-4, 2024. BCF’s “Get the Scoop” ice cream session is Wed., 3/20 at the Gallery from 1-2:30 PM, but make your reservation! For the first time in recent memory, BCF donations were higher than expenses for 2023! Great work everyone!
  1. Res. Life & CR: CR will hold an Arts & Crafts sale on Mar. 6. CC requests volunteers to share their talents for CC activities and card players. Allison is looking for prize donations for CC Bingo.Please complete the survey received in your Cubby for the Volunteer Program, as this helps keeps the roster current. Nominations for the Senior HOF must be into CR by 4/15. The intern you may see in CR is Muhammad Aftab, a senior at UMBC.
    Res. Life’s next neighborhood Tapestry gathering is Monday, March 25th, 10-11:30 am in the Gallery. Participants will include residents of Parkview, Chapel Court, and Caton Woods. The RL Committee is asking suggestions on what else we can be doing to welcome new residents, contact Margaret Vincent. Merci requires volunteers for the Low Vision Reading Brigade. The Aquatic Center will be closed from 3/4 to 3/11 for annual cleaning. The LWV offers the last chance to register to vote on 3/13 at various locations around campus.
  1. Medical Center: Dean is requesting that the random residents who receive the MDPCP CAHPS survey of Medical Center Patients either complete it by mail or online. Not everyone will receive a survey, as it’s a sampling. CC Covid-19 restrictions and guidelines are posted on our resident website each week under the News icon on the Home page. The COVID-19 vaccine is available for all residents who have not received their shots.  However, individuals should discuss the RSV vaccine with their physician.  A Mask may be required at the Medical Center if a resident is symptomatic. Sign up for the Care Path Program, even though you may have your doctor off-campus, in case of emergencies. Check CC visitation restrictions before you go there. Remember to schedule and keep your Annual Wellness visits. If you are going to the hospital on your own (i.e., elective surgery) please let security know .
  1. Move-out Process at the End of Life article is on our website in the Blog area. There is an upcoming Seminar Workshop on 3/26, at 1-2PM to discuss your Residence and Care Agreement with Charlestown in the Auditorium. BCF is asking us to informfamilies that we offer our volunteers to pack up any donations left behind in loved ones’ apartments, and that there is no charge for the removal of approved larger items left for donation to the Treasure Sale. Our volunteers work quickly because they realize time is of the essence. Contact Emily Fowler at Ext. 601-8892.
  1. Housekeeping: Look for a shredding event in April. Home Care: Home Support info is listed on our website describing their services and are available in their offices off Cross Creek Lobby and in various spots around campus. A chart explaining the difference between Home Support and Certified Home Health is also on our website.

Extras: There are still slots remaining for AARP Tax-Aide Assistance, contact CR. Ellic is looking for recording/sound support help, as well as ushers, call Gif. Brittany is looking for backup Birthday Angels for all buildings and for volunteers to color birthday cards. Archives is looking for freelance photographers. Again, volunteers are needed for the Treasure Sale, including a Brookside Director! Please read Janet Allan’s article in the February Sunburst on the importance of our Charlestown Chapter of MaCCRA. Congrats to Zach Parks, into IT (his college major) from Catering and to Valerie Bitzer, the new Catering Manager.

Charlie Eichenlaub
Communications Committee

PS: Pat Kasuda reminds that the Nurse’s Luncheon will be coming up in the spring, and please encourage anyone who was a nurse to attend. When the Scholarship funding campaign is underway in April, and if you would like your contribution to go to nursing or health care in general, that can be noted on the contribution form.