Last Updated on April 23, 2022

Below is the list of reoccurring topics, of interest, I have taken the responsibility to maintain and update periodically or when timely. I submit them after first sending them to Managers to alter or add before re-submitting them to reappear in the Sunburst or our website.

1. Need Something Fixed or Repaired? Updated General Services contact instructions are on our website, with the current hours under General Services Communications. A posting is in the March Sunburst, advising residents to call the Computer Services phone for Internet issues, and reminding residents that Charlestown provides free HD through Comcast.

2. Reoccurring Opportunities for Voicing Concerns: Found listed under the above in Campus Info>Getting Things Done and New Residents. Most info is awaiting confirmation whenever these types of gatherings will convene again. In the meantime, there is a stream-lined version of existing events on the website and the Council Communication Form icon on our website can be used at any time to alert the Council to a problem. Also, the Administration is welcoming comments, and to send them to

3. Resident Directory Info: The Hard-copy version, issued in Feb., can be obtained by asking at lobby desks. The only E-directory will be on My Erickson, which is password protected. Changes should be directed to the Res. Life Asst. desk, at Ext. 601-8230. Residents can be included by checking the box on their ME Profile settings or contacting the Res. Life Asst.

4. Swift Reach: The latest version is on the website on the Home page, at the bottom left, under the Alert Line info, shown in Blue and includes Swift 911. There is a red Emergency Info icon on the website Home Page that opens to include this info also. The full article, including photos, was in the October Sunburst. A new AlertMedia System, EMNS, will transition in March, and all info should be carried over at that time.

5.BCF: Philanthropy distributed their Annual Report recently into resident cubbies; they are interested in hearing any feedback from residents in the community. Seasonal Pop Up Sales are scheduled for clubs to sell their items for BCF, the first one is scheduled for March 25. Patti Santoni and Gladstone have a Financial Assurance presentation scheduled for 3/31 at 11am in the Auditorium. Treasure Sale donations are suspended. Spring Memory Walk is Thurs., May 26 at 10 AM. The last day to purchase a brick is Friday, April 1.

6. Community Resources: The Refectory is now available room space for meeting. Rose continues to ask Groups/Clubs to confirm their current meeting rooms and times, to help complete the 2022 issue of Groups/Clubs targeted for this first quarter. And she asks Council Committees to continue to urge their members and others to add photos to their ME profiles. The CCI website has directions for this under “Tech Help”.

7. Medical Center: Masks are required at the Medical Center, all healthcare situations, and suggested in all public places including restaurants. Remember to take any new Insurance Cards to the Medical Center to be updated. Get your Annual Wellness visit. Sign up for the Care Path Program, even though you may have your own doctor off-campus, in case of emergencies. Check CC visitation restrictions before you go there.

8. Move-out Process at End of Life: Found permanently on our website in the Blog area. The article, including the need for an “Authorization for Entry to Living Unit” form, was approved by Finance and was published in the October Sunburst and the next is planned for April. A similar Transition Process article was in the November Sunburst and now posted on our resident website. Bobbi Reynolds is the new Finance Dept. Move-out Coordinator.

9. Housekeeping has resumed resident apartment cleaning service. Home Support Services want to remind residents that they can help with laundry, pet care, and meal delivery services among the many other services offered as shown on our website under Home Support. Their 972 commercial is running periodically.

Extras: Unvaccinated Visitors, Vendors, and Staff should all be masked. GS reminds us to have precise Apartment numbers and building names, especially, on our address label on all orders to be delivered. The new CVS is now open, but there are no bananas today or any day, as they don’t have a license to sell produce. Dining may have them available next month in the Cafés.

Charlie Eichenlaub
Communications Committee