Last Updated on July 22, 2024

Residents have been asking for a way to communicate with other residents. The Residents’ Council Communications Committee has started a Google Group, Charlestown Resident Hub, to serve this need. Larry Taylor and David Elder, Co-Chairs of the Communications Committee are spearheading this effort, and Hope Tillman is the group manager.

In addition to sending and receiving messages from CCI-Communications, you will be able to login to Google Groups and view all the past conversations for the Charlestown Resident Hub.
You can choose to receive your emails as they are sent, as a digest, or whether not to receive emails at all but to login to view the conversations.

Reasons to join:
1. Stay Informed: Charlestown Resident Hub keeps residents updated on important community information.
2. Social Engagement: This is a platform for residents to engage in discussions and connect with others.
3. Resource Sharing: Residents can share helpful resources, recommendations, and local services.
4. Support and Assistance: The Google Group serves as a network where residents can seek support, advice, and assistance from their fellow residents within the retirement community.
5. Limited Exposure of Your Email Address: When sending an email individually to a group of people, each recipient’s email address is visible to all recipients, which increases the risk of them being harvested by spammers. In contrast, when you send an email to a Google Group, the email addresses of group members are not exposed to each other, preserving individual privacy.

To subscribe to Charlestown Resident Hub, send an email to

Put your full name in the subject line of the subscription request.

You can also fill in the form below and submit it.

Or, If you prefer, send an email to Hope Tillman expressing your interest to join. See contact information in the Resident Directory.