Last Updated on June 30, 2024

I am writing this article from my summer home in Park Rapids, Minnesota. It is cool and very rainy, feels like a monsoon at times. Looking forward to drier times, warmer weather, and the likely onslaught of mosquitoes due to all the rain. Though I am geographically absent, I am certainly with you in spirit, thought, and in available contact with the Council and you, the residents, via internet, text and phone.

Sharing thoughts that were written by Pat Rudolph from a couple of years ago, she said “In July, we experience the ‘non-campaign’ campaign for the Residents’ Council”. This time we have THIRTEEN well-qualified candidates that have generously agreed to run for the Council. Candidates are not allowed to actively campaign, but there are many ways that you can learn about them. You may have already received their individual candidate bios in your cubby. Posters with their pictures and summary bios will be displayed all over campus. Brief videos recorded by them on 972 will be available to be viewed under the TV & Videos link on MyErickson. This is a good way of hearing them ‘in person’. Candidates will be wearing candidate ribbons on their name tags, so be sure to stop them for a chat any time you see them. And finally, they have already been introduced first at the June Residents’ Council meeting and will be introduced again at the July Residents’ Council meeting this coming Tuesday, July 2nd at 3:00 in the auditorium. Huge thanks to our Nominating and Elections committee for a job WELL DONE in recruiting these candidates and for their upcoming efforts in running a good election.

Voting for these candidates will take place on Wednesday, August 7th. Those elected will be among the leaders of our Council for the following three years. We are often asked ‘what does the Council do?’ Hopefully, that question is answered at the twelve-monthly committee meetings that we hold, any of which ALL residents are urged to attend. You hear what we do at the monthly Residents’ Council meetings at which committee chairs/co-chairs give summary reports on their current activities. You can hear the chairs/co-chairs describe their committees on the Voices of the Council interviews that are on MyErickson, under the Residents’ Council link, and 972. You can read about each committee in the monthly Committee of the Month article in the Sunburst. See the Dining committee report on these pages. As I sometimes hear, we do not have the ‘power’ to directly take any action, but we certainly have the influential ‘advocacy’ voice that is heard by the Administration, as is often mentioned by either Don or Leslie at the Town Hall meetings. Next month I will write about some of the major ‘influences’ that we have had.

On an entirely different topic, I would like to briefly discuss the challenge that we will have as a community regarding the upcoming state and national elections this fall. First, I would like to direct you to page 22 of the new 2024 Residents Handbook to see the Guidelines for Political Activity at Charlestown. These new handbooks are available at any lobby desk. The guideline that I would like to focus on this time says, “Residents have the right to wear political attire, such as caps, badges, and T-shirts, in public areas”. At the same time, I would encourage every one of us to remember that one of the mottos of Charlestown is HARMONIOUS LIVING. I understand and respect this guideline. However, wearing political attire that is very bold while in a position of leadership at a group or club event honestly does not help us meet, or maintain, the precious goal of HARMONIOUS LIVING. In fact, it almost always does the exact opposite. As I said in my Remarks at the June Residents’ Council meeting, this will also help keep the emotional political temperature of our community at a good level. Everyone’s cooperation will be deeply appreciated.

In closing, please remember my motto that “Isolation is my Enemy and Socialization is my Friend!”

Submitted by John Remias