Last Updated on May 31, 2024

This is going to be a potpourri of sub-articles, so bear with me.

A couple of weeks ago, coming back from an evening meeting, I ran into a couple that was moving a new resident into Edgewood. They were trying to find their way back out of Edgewood to their car, so I offered to take them to the Lobby 7 entrance. Along the way, they noticed my ‘blue tag’, aka my Residents’ Council badge and noticed that I was President. They said, “What does that Mean”? In a reflexive response, I said “Chief Resident”. That seemed to make sense to them. And they were on their way. Since then, I have thought about that response and how wrong it can be taken. We are all Chief Residents, every one of us. At least, we each should be, and are, Chief Residents in the eye of the Administration.

As I look at the calendar for June, there will be so many events that each one of us can take advantage of. At least these are the events that largely we, the residents, and in some cases some key staff, will be hosting. I write this with the full knowledge that there is more information about each one of them in this Sunburst. Just want to highlight and publicize them a bit more.

First, on June 5th, the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Joint Council will be hosting our Pride Parade. This is an annual event celebrating our LGBGQ+ community in a special way. Please join us at 11:30 in the Cross Creek lobby for some introductory remarks, followed by a walk up Erickson Way. The DEIB Joint Council is composed of six staff and six residents with our Executive Director, Don, as our executive sponsor. Our mission is to conduct events that emphasize and respect our diversity and to help make us all feel included and have a good sense of belonging.

Next, on June 11th, the Tapestry team will be hosting the last of our neighborhood get togethers. It will be only for the Brookside and Herbert’s Run residents as we have had previous neighborhood Tapestry events all around the campus. Preliminary plans are to have Tapestry events to be theme based. Obviously more to come on this.
Next, on June 14th, the Administration presents the annual Summer Solstice event in the Fountain Hill Courtyard. This is one of the highlights of the year for all of us. So many thanks to the Community Resources department for making this a GO TO event for residents, staff, families and kids. Come one, Come all!!

Next, on June 19th, the DEIB Joint Council will be hosting the Deeper than the Skin program in the Auditorium. This is a marvelous race relations and lifetime friendship program between two men presented with honesty, music, storytelling, genuineness, and leaves a person with a sense of ‘it can be done’. One man was raised in the Philadelphia ‘burgs and the other in the Richmond, VA upper class area. Free tickets will be passed out on June 4th at several locations around campus. Both staff and residents are welcome. It will be a program that can truly have an impact on every attendee.
Finally, the Residents’ Council Nominating committee has recruited 13 candidates for next year’s Council membership. They will be introduced for the first time to the community at our Residents’ Council meeting on Tuesday, June 4th.

Summer is upon us. If you are traveling, please have safe travels and wonderful experiences.

Your Residents’ Council will continue to be at work for you throughout the month. Remember that all of our committee meetings are open to all residents. Don’t just sit there with an issue. Come and tell us about it in the appropriate committee meeting – Dining, Housekeeping, Grounds, Maintenance and Engineering, or any of the eight others. Our monthly calendar of Council meetings is on the Bulletin Boards, showing date/time/place. Please join us!


John Remias
Residents’ Council President