Last Updated on March 24, 2024

Greetings Fellow Democrats-

On Monday we will have County Executive and District 2 Congressional candidate John Olszewski as our guest speaker. Come and hear what he has to say and ask questions.

We will also vote on the club’s Democratic Primary endorsements for this year for President, U.S. Senate and Congressional Districts 2 and 7. We will make provisions for virtual voting. LINK BELOW
To vote you must be a paid member at least 30 days prior to this meeting and you must be present, either in-person or virtually at the meeting. You also have to be at least 18 years old and a registered voter from our designated area- Baltimore County south of Rt. 70.

See you then! 

The Southwest Baltimore County Democratic Club

March, 2024 Meeting  AND ENDORSEMENTS

Guest: Balt. Co. Exec. and Dist. 2 Candidate John Olszewski

Monday, 3/25/2024 from 6:30 to 7:45PM at:

The Arbutus Library

855 Sulphur Spring Rd.,
Arbutus, MD 21227