Last Updated on January 1, 2024

Ah, Resolutions

Thought I would trot out the old concept of making New Year’s resolutions. When I typed those words into Google, I see there are over 26 million results, so there’s a lot to choose from. And when I looked at the right side of my computer screen there were five suggestions that would seem to make sense for most of us to consider in our living environment here in Charlestown.

First, it is suggested that we “focus on our health”. Where do I start – physical, mental, emotional, spiritual? Well, let’s try a couple of things. Physical, if you can, sign up for a personal trainer in our Fitness Center, led by Teresa Reymann-Curran. They are great and very passionate about developing a program for anyone at any stage of their physical wellbeing. Mental and emotional, there are good programs available through our Resident Services department headed up by Lisa Roeder.  If you are a Spiritual person, regular attendance at your faith home, if possible, either here at Charlestown or at your own church, provides for our continuing faith formation.

Second, “learn something new”. Well, this one is pretty easy here. There is the ELLIC series of informative courses during most of the year. Then there are informative sessions on our in-house TV station 972. There is our library, with over 7500 books and over 4300 films, that covers a wide range of subjects. And there are mini libraries throughout the campus. And there is the opportunity to learn more about Charlestown by becoming a member of one of our twelve Residents’ Council committees.

Third, “spend more time with loved ones”. Certainly, there is our genetic family. Second, there is our Charlestown family. There are certainly other families – old neighbors, old friends at church, previous co-workers and so many others. Our job is to stay in touch with them. Remember this is a two-way street. I hesitate to get into the mode of “they don’t call me”. If they don’t call me, then maybe I should call them.

Fourth, “reduce your stress”. In many of our cases, our medical conditions can lead to being under stress, as well as family situations that are often beyond our control. One way to help is to share a meal with a friend and go ahead and talk through your stresses. Just talking to someone besides yourself can be a great help. Another suggestion is to exercise, especially with things like Yoga or Tai Chi, which can be done at our Fitness Center. These slow graceful movements bring a sense of relaxation and peace to your mind. Bottom line – get out of your apartment and socialize, work hard to get your mind focused on something other than your stressors. I know – easily said, hard to do, but worth trying.

Finally, fifth, “volunteer”. Many of us might say, how on earth at this age, and in my current condition, can I volunteer? Certainly, if you can, there are so many opportunities to volunteer here in our community. In case you don’t know we have a Volunteer Coordinator staff person (Allison Chlada) in the Community Resources department that is a terrific person to contact to offer your services. Another plug for our Residents’ Council. Please join one of our committees that are a conduit for helping with the many projects/programs that they have or are developing.

Apologies if all this is too preachy for you.

Finally, in the spirit of DIVERSITY my wife and I wish everyone a Happy New Year, Stastny Novy Rok (Slovak), L’shanah Tovah (Hebrew), San Nin Fai Lok (Chinese), Feliz Ano Nuevo (Spanish).

Submitted by John Remias, January 2024