Last Updated on August 29, 2023

Charlestown resident Ann MacKay will review This Chair Rocks by Ashton Applewhite [NY: OH: Celadon, 2016] on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 7 PM in the Auditorium.

This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto against Ageism by Ashton Applewhite is a captivating exploration of ageism, its impacts on individuals and society, and a call to action for a more inclusive and age-friendly world. Although others have written about ageism, Applewhite is seen as a pioneer on a crusade to do away with ageism as we know it. A successful writer for years, she explains the roots of ageism in history and our own age denial. The book offers a fresh perspective on the value of older generations and encourages readers to embrace aging with dignity and respect.

Through insightful anecdotes and compelling research, Applewhite dismantles ageist stereotypes.

Applewhite argues that ageism is not only unjust but also deeply ingrained in our culture. She encourages readers to recognize their own biases and reframe their perceptions of aging. She demonstrates that aging is a natural and diverse process that should be celebrated rather than feared.

Although not central to the book Applewhite does discuss the intersectionality of ageism and ableism. She recognizes that ageism intersects with other forms of discrimination, including ableism. She acknowledges that older adults with disabilities face unique challenges and forms of discrimination that are compounded by ageist attitudes and practices.

Author Ashton Applewhite started blogging about aging and ageism in 2007 and started speaking on the subject in July 2012 before self-publishing This Chair Rocks. A 2017 TED talk on the topic propelled her into a world-wide recognition. She co-founded the Old School Anti-Ageism Clearinghouse. which launched in 2018 which provides free resources to educate people about ageism.

Ann MacKay blogged about the book in 2016 receiving a comment from Ashton. An 11-year resident of Charlestown, Ann was Resident Council President, webmaster, and chaired the Harmonious Living Task Force. She currently serves on the Communications and Website Communities and is Co-Leader of the Charlestown User Group (CHUG).