Last Updated on July 29, 2017

– A Safety message from the Security and Emergency Services team –

Everyone in our community has a mode of transportation in the hallways; whether it’s walking, using an assistance device, such as a wheelchair, EMV, or rollator. Please treat everyone how you would want to be treated. It’s the Charlestown thing to do.

Please share the hallway.

Everyone should be safe, kind, and patient.
Announce yourself or if on an EMV honk your horn when attempting to go around someone.
Be courteous and assist others by opening a door or holding the elevator, door.
Allow room for people, rollators, walkers, and EMV’s as they get on and off an elevator.
Allow room or space for others when there’s a crowded elevator. (most are uncomfortable in this situation).
EMV’s please watch your speed and allow time to stop.

Use caution around corners by looking, slowing down, and being aware.