Last Updated on January 8, 2020

Ping Pong Players (Charlestown)

Don Burgard, Leader
Marty Tewksbury, Co-Leader

We have two ping-pong tables, many paddles, and balls. We are a welcoming group. We rotate players so that all present play with each other. We often have two tables of double – or one double, one single.

Our group has been on-going for many years. Playing ping pong provides us with great exercise and new friendships. All of us (at varied levels of expertise) play with each other. Those who play frequently see a vast improvement in their game. We have a fun time and much laughter while getting exercise. Come and join us! You will be welcomed enthusiastically!

Monday, Wednesday & Friday (Otherwise, open play) 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Latecomers welcome!
Herbert’s Run T-Level (Terrace) Ping Pong Room