Last Updated on July 6, 2024

Charlestown Amateur Radio Club

President: Gary Rogers
Vice President: Barb Nixon
Secretary-Treasurer: Hope Tillman

The Charlestown Amateur Radio Club, which was very active in the earlier days of Charlestown is now active again. All those with ham radio licenses and those interested are welcome.

Contact Information: See Resource Guide for contact information

Schedule Times Location
2nd Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 PM Brookside Classroom 2


Arrangement of the radio equipment in the Ham Radio Office.

Amateur Radio October Meeting

Charlestown Amateur Radio Club Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, October 10, 2023,  3-4 PM
Brookside Classroom 2 (T-Level)

1. Report out from Group and Club Expo
2. Update on Ham Radio Office
3. Review of Ham Radio Office Policies and Procedures
Charlestown residents interested in obtaining a license are invited to attend!

For more info contact Gary Rogers
See his contact information in the Resident Directory.