Nature Trail Committee Update

After traditionally skipping August for a meeting, the Nature Trail Committee met September 21 with a full agenda. We will be participating in the annual Fruits of Our Labor event Sep 30 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Cross Creek Lobby, where many Charlestown clubs and organizations have representatives and displays at tables to provide information on their groups.

Nature Trail Update

Both the Garlic Mustard Pull on May 19 and the Stream Clean-up of our portion of East Herbert Run on June 10 were great successes. Each event in its own way helped to environmentally clean up our community. The members of the Nature Trail Committee appreciated the help of the Patapsco Heritage Greenway volunteers, and we showed this by treating them to lunch at the Shortline Cafeteria on both occasions. Read more

Nature Trail May 2016

As you know, we have had a wet spring, but the Nature Trail is walkable. We are still working with Grounds to get sufficient wood chips on the Trail, but it is in reasonably good shape, and flowers are blooming. Read more

Nature Trail Updates

Winter is still departing us, but some early crocuses are blooming in gardens, so there is hope for spring. Walking the Nature Trail at this time of year is an adventure, and not yet recommended for several weeks. Testing it out in late February, I found that I could slip on snow, ice, or mud, depending on where I was. In fact, my shoes got sucked off twice in mud, so wear something tight and sturdy if you venture out now. Read more

Nature Trail Updates

This time of year, the Nature Trail is a fairly dormant operation, but a few things keep it interesting. For one, we have added a troll (see pic). He is properly green and peers out from the old spring opening, which seems appropriate, since by Norwegian lore they live in caves. He is about 50 feet from the covered bridge, which is also appropriate, since they reportedly like to hide under bridges and reach up to grab passersby. To round things out, the series of tree section seats nearby can be considered the trolls’ meeting room. Anyhow, kids especially like this part of the Nature Trail, and now they have another reason to enjoy it. Read more

Fall Activities on the Nature Trail

If you walk along the Nature Trail, be sure to notice the new erosion control branches staked into the hillside just downstream of the covered bridge. Members of the UMBC Lambda Chi Alpha service fraternity completed this backbreaking work during our recent Fall Trail & Stream Clean-up Day. Read more

Nature Trail Clean-Up

The latest Nature Trail Committee news is our Fall Clean-up of the Trail and Stream. On Saturday, October 10, 23 people participated in a 2-hour weekend clean-up. Then on Wednesday, October 14, ten people participated in our weekday 2-hour clean-up. Read more