Last Updated on March 8, 2021

Volunteer Opportunities

Knitting Knockers: Charlestown is officially on the national registry of “Knitted Knockers”. Join the team to make breast prosthesis for women who have undergone mastectomies or other breast related procedures. These will be donated to hospitals as well as women around the world. You can participate even if you don’t knit/crochet by donating materials. Please contact resident Pat Phayer.

Floor Captains: Floor Captains are individuals or couples who would like to help the neighbors in their hall by brightening up their days, helping them with logistics such as filling out paperwork such as dining forms, and just letting people know there is a special person there they can lean on if needed. Some floors already have people in this role and we want to spread this throughout campus so all may benefit. Contact the Volunteer office to assist with this endeavor. Please report if you currently have someone unofficially in this role on your floor so we do not interfere with an already established system.

Break Buddies: We are looking for people willing to be on a call list when a resident needs some extra support from a friend or a “Buddy Break” from life. Possible activities would be: reading, helping those with limited vision read their mail, sitting and chatting, walking together, playing cards or whatever you find to be mutual interests.

The Dining Buddies program: is currently looking for seasoned residents to pair up with newly moved-in single residents for an in-restaurant dining experience. This can be inviting someone to join your group or if you prefer it to be in a one-on-one setting. Contact the Volunteer Office at 601-8133 or Zach Parks at 601-8938 for more information.

Contact Stephanie Knowles in the Volunteer Office: (410) 737-8838, Ext. 601-8133;