Last Updated on May 15, 2017

The Charlestown Garden Club was founded 20 years ago by resident Barbara Walker, who is still an active member of this ongoing, vibrant group.

Meetings are held at 10 AM in the Herbert’s Run Craft Room the third Monday of each month from September to June. Members enjoy interesting lectures and slide shows about gardens , arboretums, the trees of Charlestown, and other subjects for those who love the beauty of flowers and trees and plantings both outdoors and indoors. We are presented with demonstrations of interesting floral arrangements suitable for our apartments or ledges. It is enlightening to learn the tricks of making pretty displays with materials we find walking around Charlestown, or even with what we already have in our possession, not to mention what we can find at the Treasure Sale gardening department!

In addition to flower arranging and gardening, environmental topics are also included in our programs. We have two field trips per year, and several social functions as well.