Last Updated on May 22, 2022

Resident Writers

Dayle Dawes and Julie Helms are now regular contributors to the RESIDENT WRITERS section of this website. Their pieces also appear in the NEWS section. We also welcome contributions from other resident writers.

Preferred Privacy, Part 3

Readers are surprised, even incredulous, that our traveler has booked another cruise. Is she foolhardy? Why push her luck? Why take the risk? Perhaps she is arrogant… Resident Writer, Julie Helms presents Part 3 of Preferred Privacy.

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Preferred Privacy, Part 2

A simple little wink may be a gesture of affection. It may confirm a secret shared. Could it message something else? Part 2 of a flash fiction piece by Julie Helms published on December 8, 2022.

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Northern Minnesota Travelog

Discovering the Mississippi, chowing down like a logger, and witnessing a native powwow contrast with quality time among close-knit generations in cozy lakeside cabins. Also…trees, trees, and more trees! Julie Helms takes us to Northern Minnesota.

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