Last Updated on October 8, 2022

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Subcommittee (DIB)

Mission Statement 
To enhance the goal of harmonious living by strengthening the bonds of Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB) in our Charlestown community.

Vision Statements

  • To promote open and shared communication about DIB within Residents’ Council Handbook guidelines
  • To acknowledge, respect, value, and welcome individual differences of all cultures, attitudes, races, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, and disabilities.
  • To promote collaborative participation and decision-making within the DIB subcommittee.
  • To foster collaborative relationships between the Residents’ Council DIB Subcommittee and the Charlestown DIB Council.
  • To encourage the use of Mission Moments in support of DIB.
  • To agree to disagree, civilly.

Action Steps 

  • Inventory current resident DIB activities including clubs to inform residents and encourage them to submit other activities.
  • Submit Mission Moments forms in support of DIB
  • Work with the Charlestown DIB Council to present meaningful activities and programs to the community.
  • Plan and sponsor activities that enrich understanding of DIB within the Residents’ Council Handbook guidelines.
  • Improve interpersonal communications by developing appropriate activities.
  • Provide a forum to allow respectful discussion about DIB.

Prepared by Phil Benzil, Millie Finck, Merci Izquierdo-Whitaker, Diana Mood, Hope Tillman, John Remias 

Tapestry: Sharing the Stories that Shaped Us

Everyone has a story! And the stories that matter most to us include both our personal experiences and the trove of stories that reside in the collective memory of our people. When we reflect on our stories together, we find new meaning in them and spark new connections with our neighbors. Share your story on March 28 or March 29, 2023.

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LGBT Pride Walk June 18

Charlestown Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Council invites you to a: LGBT PRIDE WALK Friday, June 18, 202110 AMCross Creek LobbyWalking ends at the Terrace CaféCool off with a popsicle at the end of the walk! No sign-up needed! Just show up with some walking...

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