Scholars' Program

Mel Milio, Chair 

In October, I wrote that the Scholar Coach Program, started last year by the Scholars Committee, will continue this year. Scholar Coaches are residents who are interested in the development of current Charlestown student employees as they pursue and expand their education. They also assist scholar candidates

during the process and maintain communication while they are pursuing their degrees.

Coaches will be assigned in January after student candidates have been accepted into the program. If you would like to volunteer to work with a student or have questions about the program, please contact me or another Scholar Committee member. There is still time to be a part of this program for 2025.

This month, I want to answer some of the questions the Scholars Committee members are asked most frequently. Since John Erickson started the program in 1988, more than 1,300 students have received scholarships, and more than 20 still work at Charlestown (some are 30+ year employees!). Generous residents have donated more than $4 million to provide scholarships. Currently there are 90 scholars in the program, including the 22 new scholars who were part of our Scholars Ceremony this past May. For the current semester, checks totaling $130,370.00 have been distributed on behalf of scholar students. This includes monies toward fall semester tuitions and Technology Grants for our first time scholar students.

This year’s potential scholars are already asking questions about what they need to do. Based on numbers from Dining Services on the potential pool of applicants, we are hoping for the biggest class ever! This is why we are recruiting now for the Scholar Coach Program. Please reach out if you are interested in learning more by emailing me. Contact information can be found in the Resident Directory, available online in MyErickson. Ask your server tonight if they will be applying for a Charlestown Scholarship. If they are unsure what that means, tell them to reach out to Philanthropy.