Last Updated on October 8, 2024

ELLIC (Enjoy Lifelong Learning in Charlestown)

Gif Intlekofer, Leader


ELLIC table at Fruits of our Labor 2023

Guided by a Steering Committee, ELLIC (Enjoy Lifelong-Learning in Charlestown) provides outstanding learning opportunities for Charlestown residents by encouraging the talented members among us to share their knowledge and expertise and by bringing exceptional professional presentations to our campus. Following a traditional two-semester school model, our ELLIC offers continuing education for retirees through a wide variety of classes, musical and theatrical programs, trips, tours, and more.

The Steering Committee consists of a Moderator, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Registrars and Auditorium Support, Catalog, Communications, Curriculum, Membership, Registrars, and Technical Support Chairs.

Planning Committee 2nd Friday 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Brookside Classroom 1

ELLIC Fall Catalog is here!

Registration form available Sept. 11

ELLIC Needs Your Help!

Auditorium Ushers:

Manage the seating of program attendees in the auditorium.
Make sure all walkers, rollators, EMVs and wheelchairs are parked correctly, as required by fire code and emergency directives.

Auditorium AV Room Assistants:

Assist with the operation of the AV equipment for ELLIC programs in the auditorium.
Training will be provided.

Contacts: Gif Intlekofer for the first position and Ralph Strong for the AV assistants position. Contact information can be found in the Resident Directory, available on MyErickson.
Contact information can be found in the Resident Directory available online in MyErickson.