Last Updated on September 30, 2021

Connector Tips – Vol. 15


Keeping You Engaged & Informed

Saying farewell to Connector Tips as this is our last edition. It has been so nice to feel more “connected” during this time when we have not been physically able to be in one another’s presence. Thank you to all who have participated in the various games, ideas and experiences. Hoping you enjoyed a few good laughs and entertainment as well as felt the benefits from the service you provided. Well over 1500 masks were produced by residents and we could not be more grateful for all the time and resources it took to accomplish that overwhelming task! The makers of those have literally been life savers!

• COVID Chronicles: We will be working on a memoir collection to be distributed in the near future that will document the events that took place during this pandemic. If anyone has any submissions, feel free to get them to either Community Resources or the Volunteer Program.
• Daily/Weekly Puzzles: Hoping this becomes a continuing experience that stays in place due to the positive response it has received from so many residents. This could easily become a resident run program. Anyone interested in leading this group or interested in being a part of the distribution team, please contact us.
• Sunburst: Keep your eyes out on the Sunburst where any future winners to remaining games will be announced.
• Bingo: Mimi O’Donnell has taken over Bingo and that will be continuing as a resident run operation on Saturdays. Thanks Mimi!
• Trivia: Trivia will continue. Thank you John Strumsky and Johnny Powell for submitting the questions and answers!
• Crafty Creations Challenge: The Challenge will continue! Look for pictures & winner announcements in the Sunburst!

To participate in events, please contact:
Stephanie at x: 601-8133 (Tues-Sat) or
Mary at x: 601-8558 (Sun – Wed)


Computer Related Activities:

We wanted to focus this last volume on hope. We have great hope that we will all soon be active and thriving with our Charlestown family again. In the meantime, we hope the following activities will bring a message of hope and positivity to each of you. Please know that YOU are loved, thought about and cared for, even when we are not able to be in each other’s presence as freely as we would like.

Explore your Spirituality: Taking time to explore what you believe, what makes you who you are, and what inner peace means to you is a great way to gain hope. Here is an article that will give you some ideas of how to start/add to your spiritual journey.

Daily Affirmations: Give yourself some emotional support and strength with daily affirmations. This link will give you a variety of topics to choose from.

Read Inspiring Books: Here is a list of some books that give people hope and inspiration. We hope you enjoy. 
• Volunteer: There is typically an abundance of volunteer opportunities at Charlestown. While a lot of those group opportunities are on hold there are various community based websites that give you a list of community needs. JustServe and VolunteerMatch are great places to start. Please consider social distancing practices and safety as you look for a way to volunteer. You can always do kind deeds for fellow residents as a way to serve or call the Charlestown Volunteer office for more ideas.


Non – Computer Related Activities:

• Weekly Writing/Journal Topic of the Week: What gives you meaning and purpose? How can you incorporate that more into your life?
• Make a Hope Board: Cut out pictures or use things that represent hope to you and display them on a board or in other creative ways. You could make this into a loved one’s project and create one together or each make one you are willing to share with each other.
• Hope Fence: Write your hope for our future on a ribbon and add it to the “Our Hope for the Future” fence located out near the Charlestown Softball field.
• Inspire hope in others: Make a list of people in your life you would like to be an inspiration of hope too. Your kids, your spouse, friends, family, fellow residents, the next homeless person you see, etc. Come up with ideas for each of them that you can do to inspire hope in them and follow through with it.
• Grow an Herb/Flower Garden: Nothing says hope like new life budding. Start your own herb or flower garden from your patio, balcony, or windowsill. Supplies can be purchased on line and delivered right to your door.
• Recreate: Take something old and make it new, redesign/reupholster or paint furniture, rearrange your apartment, take an old clothing item and make it into something new. Hope takes things in our lives and gives them new purpose, meaning and life. Why not recreate some of the outdated possessions in our lives?
• 30 Second Breaks: Every morning, noon and night take 30 seconds to look at the sky or someplace calming and just breath. It is amazing how 30 seconds each day can affect your life.


Image of Executive Team members in masks

Thanks to all who participated and to the Executive Team for being willing to pose for the pictures! Special thanks to Eugenia High for the competition idea!
Congratulations to the winners of the drawing:

1. Lois Dyer: PV-215
2. Roberta Poulton: 8-G16